Sophie Muir
Faith: Buddhist
Why did you become involved with the Cornwall Faith Forum?
I was contacted via the NBO ( Network of Buddhist Organizations ) and invited to attend the original meetings about a possible Interfaith building for Cornwall. I feel this is a very positive and inspiring vision and volunteered my support from the outset. The Faith Forum is a delight to engage with, as the spirit of warmth, friendship, goodwill, and openness is unmistakable – a credit to Cornwall and truly a joy and privilege to be part of!
Information about your faith community in Cornwall:
There have been Buddhists in Cornwall since the ‘70’s at least and a tradition of yogins or meditators quietly practicing in their different parts of the County. Buddhists have a discreet presence in the sense that their meditation and Dharma practice simply supports them to live and serve harmoniously , as compassionate human beings as best they can , as we are all trying to do.
Over the years, local sitting groups have sown and grown and practitioners meet for meditation and Dharma discussion in people’s homes largely, although there is for example a new centre at Mudita House in Penzance and at Roselidden near Helston, retreats both daylong and residential are held regularly.
Visiting Dharma Teachers come, including Tibetan Lamas, Western lay teachers, Zen teachers and last Autumn for example a young Israeli Dharma Teacher who works with peace & environmental activists in Israel &Palestine , also leading work retreats in India and Europe.
Where to find out more information about your faith:
There is a website: where information about sitting groups, retreats and different lineages can be found. Non Buddhists often also participate, finding meditation beneficial and are always welcome.