Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 21.42.54Cornwall Faith Forum – Charitable Incorporated Organisation

The Cornwall Faith Forum is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered Charity No. 1158278.   Information on the constitutional make up of the Forum can be viewed on the following chart: Constitution chart

At the Cornwall Faith Forum’s Annual General Meeting on 25th June 2024, the results of the elections were as follows:

Twenty Voting Members (aka the Executive):

Hindu Faith

Paul Green; Vacancy

Pagan Faith

Eve Salthouse; Vacancy

Bahai Faith

Philomena Clifford; Diana Profaska

Islamic Faith

Naeem Ahmad; Dureid Rifai

Jewish Faith

Jeremy Jacobson; Adam Feldman

Buddhist Faith

Sophie Muir; Vacancy

Christian Faith

Rev’d Ray Borrett; Kathy Pope

Voting Members (6 places):

Andrew Yates, Babs Rounsevell,  Paul Haines, Qudsia Ward, Rita Stephen,  Geoff Boswell.

Board of Trustees:

Andrew Yates, Eve Salthouse, Duried Rifai, Philomena Clifford, Kathy Pope, Geoff Bosewell.