Our Vision

Cornwall Faith Forum (CFF) welcomes all people of peace and goodwill. You may come from a faith community, have other beliefs or perhaps you would simply like to understand more.

Our members include people from the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Pagan faith communities in the County.  Cornwall Humanists are also fully included and anyone seeking their path towards peace is warmly welcomed.

Our vision is:  Finding common ground

Cornwall Faith Forum is working towards this vision through growing a spirit of love, co-operation, respect and peace together.

We are making this real through three distinct and interdependent projects:

Learning for Peace is an education project that delivers training sessions to school children (primary and secondary), college students and adult groups.

Sharing for Peace is a celebration of diversity that includes:

  • Walks, long and short, often along ancient pilgrimage routes. We take time to share readings and reflections on a common theme while being welcomed along the way in holy places and people’s homes.
  • Gathering to share each other’s festivals, like Eid-ul-fitr, Divali, Passover and Christmas, or special events.
  • Meeting to support each other in times of trouble or sadness and to develop greater understanding of each other’s traditions, spirituality, thoughts and feelings in openness and trust.
  • Working with Cornwall Council and other agencies to offer a structured programme of community support to Syrian refugees who have settled in Cornwall under the Government’s scheme.

These activities build peace while affirming Cornwall’s long history of being a welcoming county.

Building for Peace is developing sacred spaces on a beautiful site to the North of Truro at Penmount.  These include a Labyrinth and Tree Planting.

A longer term aim is to create a shared building for peace and faith called ‘Dor Kemmyn Oval’ (Cornish for ‘common ground’). This has begun with individuals and groups making cob bricks with soil from the site itself.

Dor Kemmyn Oval (DKO) will become the heart of our Learning and Sharing for Peace projects, demonstrating Cornwall’s long term commitment to building peace and as part of a worldwide movement.

The Cornwall Faith Forum Leaflet can be downloaded here: CFF Leaflet FINAL 2018