How it all began
The Cornwall Faith Forum emerged from a series of informal gatherings of members. An inaugural event was held at County Hall in Truro on the theme of The Environment and members of different Faith Communities shared their understanding of Creation and contributed readings and prayers from their traditions.
The Faith Forum were granted a seat on the Cornwall Strategic Partnership and a representative body was formed to support this role and to give opportunities for Faith Communities to be consulted on important issues affecting the County. Local District Forums were also formed in Restormel, North and West Cornwall and the latter undertook a significant mapping of social action projects offered by faith groups in this area. The Cornwall Faith Forum was constituted in 2008 offering two seats for each worshipping community in the County and a number of seats from the general membership.
As we got to know each other through themed meetings a common issue across the Forum was the lack of dedicated worship spaces. Communities were meeting in village halls or schools and churches! This realisation led to the vision of an Inter Faith Centre for Cornwall – a building which could be used by all faith groups and by those who were just seekers. It was named Dor Kemmyn –Cornish for Common Ground and an architect in the group Matt Robinson came up with an innovative elliptical design using traditional Cornish materials and techniques such as cob bricks. Planning permission for Dor Kemmyn has been obtained for a field at Penmount on the edge of Truro and fund raising for the building is now under way.
On the surface Cornwall is one of the least diverse areas in the United Kingdom. This is particularly noticeable at schools where pupils have very few chances to grow up with and mix with other children from non-Christian faith backgrounds. So the Cornwall Faith Forum has been piloting a faith speakers service for schools and colleges. The Cornwall Faith Forum has held two major events for primary schools at Bodmin and Camborne. On each occasion over 300 children came and joined in workshops led by members of different faith communities . These were positively received and plans are underway for rolling this out across the County at secondary and higher education level. Contact our Inter Faith Development Worker Rita Stephen via our Contact Page for more information.
From the outset the Cornwall Faith Forum has been committed to helping Faith groups get to know each other better and so build trust and confidence across the barriers of ignorance and prejudice. A series of events in which there has been opportunites to join in celebrating the religious festivals of different traditions have been held including Bahai New Year, Eid, Buddhist Wesack and Divali. We have also gone a number of Faith walks exploring space and buildings associated with different communities and sharing prayers and readings on a theme.
Look elsewhere on this web-site for ways you can get involved – helping to make the bricks ….or sponsoring the building in some way…or simply making a donation.
All our gatherings end with our saying together the Peace Prayer which captures the spirit of our group.
Peace Prayer
Lead me from Death to Life, from Falsehood to Truth. Lead me from Despair to Hope, from Fear to Trust,
Lead me from Hate to Love, from War to Peace. Let Peace fill our Heart, our World, our Universe.
Peace Peace Peace