Rebuilding the Dome of Human Kindness

Rebuilding the Dome of Human Kindness
The Cornwall Faith Forum is excited about the rebuilding of the Dome of Human Kindness sculpture. Read all about Tom Henderson’s inspiring story of creating the Dome as a life size sculpture with its original art work and unique space inside for reflection. We  have until 9th October to achieve the fund raising goal.  To get involved and find out more click HERE

Creationtide at the Dor Kemmyn Field – Saturday 6th October 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm

On Saturday 6th October, the Cornwall Faith Forum will be celebrating Creationtide at the Dor Kemmyn Field.  Every year Creationtide runs from the Orthodox New Year on 1st September until St Francis Day at the beginning of October. Creationtide is originally an Eastern Orthodox initiative, but has now spread widely among Anglican, Roman Catholic and Protestant congregations, bringing Christians together to pray and work for the protection of the environment that sustains everyone.  We will meet up at 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm.  Hot drinks and cakes will be provided and if wet we will have a gazebo.  For further information contact Rita Stephen [email protected] or tel 07775 937485.

World Peace Day Events in Truro & Cornwall – 21st – 23rd September 2018

These events are being organized to help raise awareness for the UN International Day of Peace on Friday 21st September, and also to support “One Day One Choir”, an inspiring global initiative that has grown rapidly since its inception in 2014.

  • Larger version of the above poster, view here:  WPD-21-23-Sept-2018
  • Background information regarding the One Day One Choir can be viewed here:  ODOC 2018 pdf
  • Friday, 21st September Tenebrae at Truro Cathedral at 7.30 pm.  More information can be viewed here:   WWRT_TruroA5Flyer no bleed  and Tenebrae Press Release – Exeter and Truro Cathedrals – 20-21 September 2018
  • More information regarding the “Against the Grain” event with Garth Hewitt on Saturday 22nd September at Truro Methodist Church can be viewed here:   Garth Hewitt  and Against the Grain Tour biography
  • For more information on all the above contact Paul Haines:  [email protected]
  • All choirs and singing groups are being asked to take part and sing for peace on World Peace Day or as close to it as possible. It’s a very simple idea and also very easy to do for anyone, anywhere! It could be a school assembly, a choir rehearsal, a church service, or even a gathering in a pub – just get together and sing for peace! It could be one song, two songs, or whatever you decide! Don’t forget to sign up on the website to indicate your participation and to be included on the world map showing the huge number of singing groups around the world taking part. 

    “One Day One Choir”, along with other initiatives such as “Peace One Day”, encourage people to come together in their communities and to take active steps towards a more peaceful world. “One Day One Choir” recognizes the powerful effect that singing can play in this. Almost every country in the world has taken part, with choirs from a wide range of communities. Here in the UK for instance, schools are very much involved, as were 38 Cathedrals last year.

    This is the third year that events have been organized in Truro, with many choirs having been involved so far. This year invitations to choirs in all schools, colleges, churches and communities across Cornwall have been sent out. In Truro there are three days of events being organized on Lemon Quay, Truro Cathedral, Truro Methodist Church, and for the first time at County Hall.

    Funds are being raised for “Children of Peace” and “The Amos Trust”. Both are UK based charities working to help and support children around the world. These charities recognize the importance of working with children to bring about a more peaceful world.

    In addition to many choirs taking part, a number of groups and organizations will be represented, with a variety of people speaking about peace. The Truro Methodist Church will be the venue on the 21st for groups that use singing therapeutically for health conditions, and on the 22nd, the Founder of the Amos Trust, Garth Hewitt, will be performing. The world famous choral ensemble Tenebrae, as supporters of One Day One Choir, will be very kindly dedicating their performance at Truro Cathedral to this initiative.

    These events are supported by Truro City Council, Cornwall County Council, Truro Cathedral, Truro Methodist Church and many other individuals and groups. Please see poster for further details of venues, dates and times.

    For further information and how to get involved and take part, please contact:

    Paul Haines  07855 495881  [email protected]

St Michael’s Way Walk – Monday 7th May 2018

The Cornwall Faith Forum were delighted to take part on the St Michael’s Way Walk on Monday.

If you missed it, have a look at the short film of the walk that was made:

The Community Big Lunch – Sunday, 3rd June at the Dor Kemmyn Field

Join us at our Penmount Peace Field where we will share food, stories, and more.  The lunch runs from 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm at the Field at Penmount, Truro TR4 9AA (at the entrance of the Crematorium).

We are a small community organisation who stand for tolerance, peace, and justice and would love to meet people from the local and wider community.

We will have lots of fun games for kids and for grown ups! Crafts, games of rounders, huge community painting, and lots more.

Please bring a picnic mat or chairs..whatever makes you comfortable and of course some food to share.

We will provide hot and cold drinks. If it’s raining on the day, we will have a gazebo to keep us dry, hopefully!

Please let us know if you’re coming… We look forward to meeting you! 

For more information contact [email protected] 



March Saturday Workshops with Fourthland and Rosalind Fowler

Join artists Fourthland and Rosalind Fowler, in conjunction with the Cornwall Faith Forum,  for a series of special workshops this March.  The artists invite you to bring an object from home with you as a way of sharing a story.  Al workshops are free and welcome to families and children with no experience necessary.

Saturday 17th March 10.30 am – 1.00 pm, Kestle Barton – The Cloth of a Thousand

Creating a world of stories, through objects and improvised making.  Refreshments provided.


Saturday 24th March 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm, Dor Kemmyn Peace Field, Penmount –

Half way Stories

A special celebration including a foraging walk using objects, herbs and sounds.  Hot drinks and cankes provided (under cover if wet). No book required.


Saturday 31st March 10.30 am – 2.00 pm, Kestle Barton – To Weave

A weaving, sound and storytelling workshop working with cloth, paper and willow withies.  Lunch included.

For more information please contact [email protected] or Rita Stephen [email protected].  Also see flyer here:


St Piran’s Day – Monday 5th March 2018

Truro St Piran’s Day annual parade will leave St George’s Road on Monday, 5th March at 1pm and process through Frances Street, River Street. St Nicholas Street, Boscawen Street.  From there the parade will go onto King Street and to High Cross in front of the Cathedral to hear the spring address from the Grand Bard.

Proper Cornish Pasties are kindly supplying pasties.

 All are very welcome.

Following this, as in previous years, there will be a music session held in the White Hart pub (An Karow Gwynn), New Bridge Street, Come along to drink, chat, dance, sing, play a musical instrument.

Sharing for Peace Event at the Dor Kemmyn Field, Saturday 17th February

A warm welcome to all to join the Cornwall Faith Forum for our first event of the year at the Dor Kemmyn field on Saturday, 17th February from 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm.  The time together will include:

  •  Tree planting by the United Nations Association, Cornwall on their 25th Anniversary year with an Acer Kawakamii which has been donated by the Trelissick Gardens, National Trust.
  • Two further planting of trees, a native Oak and Silver Birch, donated by the Muslim Faith Community
  • Dedicating of existing trees planted in the past five years by the Buddhist and Baha’i faith communities
  • Hot drinks and cakes (under large gazebo cover if wet!).

Hopefully there will be some singing as part of this event and a chance to hear about new plans and future events for the year at the DKO field.

For further information contact:

Rita Stephen  [email protected]  07775 937485

Paul Haines [email protected] 07855 495881

To view the flyer click here: Tree planting at Penmount – 17.02.18 FINAL

Holocaust Memorial Day events – 26th & 27th January

Truro Cathedral will again be hosting events to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2018 and along with colleagues in Devon and Cornwall Police.

27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) and events will be held on Friday 26 and Saturday 27.

Attendees will be able to explore the track to genocide exhibition, learn of the personal experiences of survivors of genocide and leave a message on our Tree of Hope.    A candle lighting ceremony will be held at 1pm on both days.

There will also be a number of information stands from various organisations representing groups impacted by genocide.

Exhibition opening times:

●        Friday 26th January: 10am to 5.30pm

Followed by a Holocaust Memorial Day Evensong at 5.30pm and everyone is welcome to attend.

●        Saturday 27th January:  10am to 4.00pm.

This year’s theme is The Power of Words.

Launch of Sacred Sound, Common Ground CD – 10th September

There was an air of anticipation and excitement as people entered the Chapter House at Truro Cathedral for the launch of the Dor Kemmyn CD – Sacred Sound, Common Ground. The CD had been five years in the making and now it was time to unveil it. More and more came into the Chapter House so much so that the circular shape of chairs had to be extended several times to accommodate more people coming in.

The opening and welcome was led by Revd Canon Alan Bashforth from the Cathedral and Rita Stephen the Cornwall Faith Forum’s Interfaith Worker. Robbie Breadon read his poem Common Ground:

“Each of us was born from the soil of this land
To breathe the same air, drink the same water”

(see   for full version)
The seven faiths then shared readings on the theme of Harmony which was thought provoking and compelling. If one closed your eyes you could be forgiven for not knowing which reading came from which faith.

Sophie Muir, whose brainchild the CD was then described the different settings where the CD was recorded ranging from people’s homes, Paul Church and to inside the fugue at Carn Euny. There are contributions from each faith on the CD and two collective pieces as well. Sound recordist Michael Tingle had played a vital part, as too Danu who oversaw and gave musical guidance to the artists.

At this part of the evening Danu then led everyone to try and re-create the first song on the CD ‘Unita’. Everyone was then invited to hum together at the note of ‘G’ which provided a constant musical background, which was then interspersed with individuals singing solo within the circular context. It was very powerful and has to be experienced – listen to the first track on the CD.

We then shared time together in fellowship, tea and cakes, catching up with old, and making new friends, with the sale of the cakes going to the charity Emmaus which are currently helping with the Refugee Crisis.

Revd Andrew Yates then drew us together again and reminded us that the date of today’s launch was significant because it was on the eve of 9/11. This was followed by silence by all. We then closed with the International Peace Prayer:
Lead me from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.

Lead me from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.

Lead me from hate to love,
from war to peace.

Let peace fill our heart,
our world, our universe.

Peace. Peace. Peace.

Sacred Sound, Common Ground is priced £10.00 available from Church House, Woodlands Court, Truro Business Par, Threemilestone, Truro TR4 9NH (01872 274351), or shortly by PayPal for £12.50 (to include P&P).

Image above:  Sophie Muir, whose vision was of that of the CD.