Launch of Sacred Sound, Common Ground CD – 10th September
There was an air of anticipation and excitement as people entered the Chapter House at Truro Cathedral for the launch of the Dor Kemmyn CD – Sacred Sound, Common Ground. The CD had been five years in the making and now it was time to unveil it. More and more came into the Chapter House so much so that the circular shape of chairs had to be extended several times to accommodate more people coming in.
The opening and welcome was led by Revd Canon Alan Bashforth from the Cathedral and Rita Stephen the Cornwall Faith Forum’s Interfaith Worker. Robbie Breadon read his poem Common Ground:
“Each of us was born from the soil of this land
To breathe the same air, drink the same water”
(see for full version)
The seven faiths then shared readings on the theme of Harmony which was thought provoking and compelling. If one closed your eyes you could be forgiven for not knowing which reading came from which faith.
Sophie Muir, whose brainchild the CD was then described the different settings where the CD was recorded ranging from people’s homes, Paul Church and to inside the fugue at Carn Euny. There are contributions from each faith on the CD and two collective pieces as well. Sound recordist Michael Tingle had played a vital part, as too Danu who oversaw and gave musical guidance to the artists.
At this part of the evening Danu then led everyone to try and re-create the first song on the CD ‘Unita’. Everyone was then invited to hum together at the note of ‘G’ which provided a constant musical background, which was then interspersed with individuals singing solo within the circular context. It was very powerful and has to be experienced – listen to the first track on the CD.
We then shared time together in fellowship, tea and cakes, catching up with old, and making new friends, with the sale of the cakes going to the charity Emmaus which are currently helping with the Refugee Crisis.
Revd Andrew Yates then drew us together again and reminded us that the date of today’s launch was significant because it was on the eve of 9/11. This was followed by silence by all. We then closed with the International Peace Prayer:
Lead me from death to life,
from falsehood to truth.
Lead me from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.
Lead me from hate to love,
from war to peace.
Let peace fill our heart,
our world, our universe.
Peace. Peace. Peace.
Sacred Sound, Common Ground is priced £10.00 available from Church House, Woodlands Court, Truro Business Par, Threemilestone, Truro TR4 9NH (01872 274351), or shortly by PayPal for £12.50 (to include P&P).
Image above: Sophie Muir, whose vision was of that of the CD.